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2. Alignment Visualization
We visualize the alignment weights produced byour different attention models in Figure 7. The vi-sualization of the local attention model is muchsharper than that of the global one. This contrastmatches our expectation that local attention is de-signed to only focus on a subset of words eachtime. Also, since we translate from English to Ger-man and reverse the source English sentence, thewhite strides at the words“reality”and“.”in theglobal attention model reveals an interesting ac-cess pattern: it tends to refer back to the beginningof the source sequence.Compared to the alignment visualizations in(Bahdanau et al., 2015), our alignment patternsare not as sharp as theirs. Such difference couldpossibly be due to the fact that translating fromEnglish to German is harder than translating intoFrench as done in (Bahdanau et al., 2015), whichis an interesting point to examine in future work. TheydonotunderstandwhyEuropeexistsintheorybutnotinreality.Sieverstehennicht,warumEuropatheoretischzwarexistiert,abernichtinWirklichkeit.TheydonotunderstandwhyEuro