1. Conditional Random Fields

In this section we provide a brief overview of CRF for pixel-wise labelling and introduce the notation used in the paper. A CRF, used in the context of pixel-wise label prediction, models pixel labels as random variables that form a MRF when conditioned upon a global observation. The global observation is usually taken to be the image.

(2)基于global observation构建MRF
(3)使用image什么意思global observation

Let XiX_i be the random variable associated to pixel i, which represents the label assigned to the pixel i and can take any value from a pre-defined set of labels L=l1,l2,...,lL\Bbb L = {l_1 ,l_2 ,...,l_L}. Let X be the vector formed by the random variables X1,X2,...,XNX_1 ,X_2 ,...,X_N , where N is the number of pixels in the image. Given a graph G = (V,E), where V=X1,X2,...,XNV = {X_1 ,X_2 ,...,X_N }, and a global observation (image) I, the pair (I,X) can be modelled as a CRF characterized by a Gibbs distribution of the form P(X=xI)=1Z(I)exp(E(xI))P(X = x|I) = \frac{1}{Z(I)}\exp(-E(x|I)). Here E(x) is called the energy of the configuration x ∈ L N and Z(I) is the partition function [31]. From now on, we drop the conditioning on I in the notation for convenience.

i:pixel ID
L\Bbb L:label的集合
[?] X和V是什么关系?貌似都是Xi的集合?
[?] Gibbs分布?

In the fully connected pairwise CRF model of [27], the energy of a label assignment x is given by:

[warning] [?] fully connected pairwise CRF model?

E(x)=iψu(xi)+i<jψp(xi,xj),(1) \begin{aligned} E(x) = \sum_i \psi_u(x_i) + \sum_{i<j} \psi_p (x_i ,x_j ), && (1) \end{aligned}

where the unary energy components ψ u (x i ) measure the inverse likelihood (and therefore, the cost) of the pixel i taking the label x i , and pairwise energy components ψ p (x i ,x j ) measure the cost of assigning labels x i ,x j to pixels i,j simultaneously.

[?] inverse likelihood

In our model, unary energies are obtained from a CNN, which, roughly speaking, predicts labels for pixels without considering the smoothness and the consistency of the label assignments. The pairwise energies provide an image data-dependent smoothing term that encourages assigning similar labels to pixels with similar properties.

第二项代表同时为i, j打标签的cost。平滑性:有相似属性的像素得到相同的label

As was done in [27], we model pairwise potentials as weighted Gaussians:

ψp(xi,xj)=μ(xi,xj)m1Mw(m)kG(m)(fi,fj),(2) \begin{aligned} \psi_p (x_i ,x_j ) = \mu(x_i ,x_j)\sum^M_{m-1} w^{(m)} k^{(m)}_G (f i ,f j ), && (2) \end{aligned}

where each kG(m)k^{(m)}_G for m = 1,...,M, is a Gaussian kernel applied on feature vectors. The feature vector of pixel i, denoted by fi , is derived from image features such as spatial location and RGB values [27]. We use the same features as in [27]. The function µ(.,.), called the label compatibility function, captures the compatibility between different pairs of labels as the name implies.

weighted Gaussians:不同Gaussians kernel的加权和
kG(m)k^{(m)}_G:Gaussians kernel
μ(xi,xj)\mu(x_i ,x_j):标签兼容性函数,captures the compatibility between different pairs of labels

Minimizing the above CRF energy E(x) yields the most probable label assignment x for the given image. Since this exact minimization is intractable, a mean-field approximation to the CRF distribution is used for approximate maximum posterior marginal inference.

[?] mean-field approximation:平均场近似
[?] posterior marginal inference?

It consists in approximating the CRF distribution P(X) by a simpler distribution Q(X), which can be written as the product of independent marginal distributions, i.e., Q(X)=iQi(Xi)Q(X) = \prod_i Q_i(X_i). The steps of the iterative algorithm for approximate mean-field inference and its reformulation as an RNN are discussed next.


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