1. Experiments
We evaluate the effectiveness of our modelson the WMT translation tasks between En-glish and German in both directions.newstest2013 (3000 sentences) is used as a development set to select our hyperparameters. Translation performances are reported in case-sensitive BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) on newstest2014(2737 sentences) and newstest2015 (2169 sentences). Following (Luong et al., 2015), we reporttranslation quality using two types of BLEU: (a)tokenized12BLEU to be comparable with existingNMT work and (b)NIST13BLEU to be compara-ble with WMT results.
1.1. Training Details
All our models are trained on the WMT’14 training data consisting of 4.5M sentences pairs (116MEnglish words, 110M German words). Similarto (Jean et al., 2015), we limit our vocabularies tobe the top 50K most frequent words for both lan-guages. Words not in these shortlisted vocabular-ies are converted into a universal token <unk>
When training our NMT systems, following(Bahdanau et al., 2015; Jean et al., 2015), we filter out sentence pairs whose lengths exceed50 words and shuffle mini-batches as we proceed. Our stacking LSTM models have 4 layers, each with 1000 cells, and 1000-dimensional embeddings. We follow (Sutskever et al., 2014;Luong et al., 2015) in training NMT with similarsettings: (a) our parameters are uniformly initial-ized in[−0.1,0.1], (b) we train for 10 epochs us-12All texts are tokenized withtokenizer.perlandBLEU scores are computed withmulti-bleu.perl.13With themteval-v13ascript as per WMT guideline. SystemPplBLEUWinning WMT’14 system –phrase-based + large LM(Buck et al., 2014)20.7Existing NMT systemsRNNsearch (Jean et al., 2015)16.5RNNsearch + unk replace (Jean et al., 2015)19.0RNNsearch + unk replace + large vocab +ensemble8 models (Jean et al., 2015)21.6Our NMT systemsBase10.611.3Base + reverse9.912.6 (+1.3)Base + reverse + dropout8.114.0 (+1.4)Base + reverse + dropout + global attention (location)7.316.8 (+2.8)Base + reverse + dropout + global attention (location) + feed input6.418.1 (+1.3)Base + reverse + dropout + local-p attention (general) + feed input5.919.0 (+0.9)Base + reverse + dropout + local-p attention (general) + feed input + unk replace20.9 (+1.9)Ensemble8 models + unk replace23.0 (+2.1)Table 1:WMT’14 English-German results– shown are the perplexities (ppl) and thetokenizedBLEUscores of various systems on newstest2014. We highlight thebestsystem in bold and giveprogressiveimprovements in italic between consecutive systems.local-preferes to the local attention with predictivealignments. We indicate for each attention model the alignment score function used in pararentheses.ing plain SGD, (c) a simple learning rate sched-ule is employed – we start with a learning rate of1; after 5 epochs, we begin to halve the learningrate every epoch, (d) our mini-batch size is 128,and (e) the normalized gradient is rescaled when-ever its norm exceeds 5. Additionally, we alsouse dropout with probability0.2for our LSTMs assuggested by (Zaremba et al., 2015). For dropoutmodels, we train for 12 epochs and start halvingthe learning rate after 8 epochs. For local atten-tion models, we empirically set the window sizeD= 10.
Our code is implemented in MATLAB. Whenrunning on a single GPU device Tesla K40, weachieve a speed of 1Ktargetwords per second.It takes 7–10 days to completely train a model.
1.2. English-German Results
We compare our NMT systems in the English-German task with various other systems. These include the winning syste minWMT’14(Buck et al., 2014),aphrase-basedsystemwhose language models were trained on a hugemonolingual text, the Common Crawl corpus.For end-to-end NMT systems, to the best ofour knowledge, (Jean et al., 2015) is the onlywork experimenting with this language pair andcurrently the SOTA system.We only presentresults for some of our attention models and willlater analyze the rest in Section 5.
As shown in Table 1, we achieve pro-gressive improvements when (a) reversing thesource sentence, +1.3BLEU, as proposed in(Sutskever et al., 2014) and (b) using dropout,+1.4BLEU. On top of that, (c) the global atten-tion approach gives a significant boost of +2.8BLEU, making our model slightly better than thebase attentional system of Bahdanau et al. (2015)(rowRNNSearch).When (d) using theinput-feedingapproach, we seize another notable gainof +1.3BLEU and outperform their system. Thelocal attention model with predictive alignments(rowlocal-p) proves to be even better, givingus a further improvement of +0.9BLEU on topof the global attention model.
[success] 以上是对性能有提升作用的操作
It is interesting to observe the trend previously reported in(Luong et al., 2015) that perplexity strongly correlates with translation quality. In total, we achievea significant gain of 5.0 BLEU points over thenon-attentional baseline, which already includesknown techniques such as source reversing and dropout.
The unknown replacement technique proposed in (Luong et al., 2015; Jean et al., 2015) yields another nice gain of +1.9BLEU, demonstrating that our attentional models do learn useful alignments for unknown works.
[warning] unknown replacement technique?
Finally, by ensembling 8different models of various settings, e.g., usingdifferent attention approaches, with and withoutdropout etc., we were able to achieve anew SOTAresult of23.0BLEU, outperforming the existing best system (Jean et al., 2015) by +1.4BLEU.SystemBLEUTop –NMT + 5-gram rerank(Montreal)24.9Our ensemble 8 models + unk replace25.9Table 2:WMT’15 English-German results–NISTBLEU scores of the winning entry inWMT’15 and our best one on newstest2015.
Latest results in WMT’15– despite the fact thatour models were trained on WMT’14 with slightlyless data, we test them on newstest2015 to demon-strate that they can generalize well to different testsets. As shown in Table 2, our best system es-tablishes anew SOTAperformance of25.9BLEU,outperforming the existing best system backed byNMT and a 5-gram LM reranker by +1.0BLEU.
1.3. German-English Results
We carry out a similar set of experiments for theWMT’15 translation task from German to English. While our systems have not yet matchedthe performance of the SOTA system, we nevertheless show the effectiveness of our approacheswith large and progressive gains in terms of BLEUas illustrated in Table 3. Theattentionalmech-anism gives us +2.2BLEU gain and on top ofthat, we obtain another boost of up to +1.0BLEUfrom theinput-feedingapproach. Using a betteralignment function, the content-baseddotproductone, together withdropoutyields another gain of+2.7BLEU. Lastly, when applying the unknownword replacement technique, we seize an additional +2.1BLEU, demonstrating the usefulnessof attention in aligning rare words.