1. Neural Machine Translation

A neural machine translation system is a neural network that directly models the conditional probability p(y|x) of translating a source sentence,x1, . . . , xn, to a target sentence,y1, . . . , ym.3 A basic form of NMT consists of two components:(a) an encoder which computes a representations for each source sentence and (b) a decoder which generates one target word at a time and hence decomposes the conditional probability as:
logp(yx)=j=1mlogp(yjy<j,s)(1) \begin{aligned} \log p(y|x) =\sum^m_{j=1}\log p(y_j|y_{<j},s) && (1) \end{aligned}


A natural choice to model such a decomposition in the decoder is to use recurrent neural network(RNN)architecture, which most of the recent NMT work such as(Kalchbrenner and Blunsom, 2013;Sutskever et al., 2014;Cho et al., 2014;Bahdanau et al., 2015;Luong et al., 2015;Jean et al., 2015) have in common. They, however, differ in terms of which RNN architectures are used for the decoder and how the encoder computes the source sentence representation ss.


Kalchbrenner and Blunsom (2013)used an RNN with the standard hidden unit for the decoder and a convolutional neural network for encoding the source sentence representation.

[success] encoder: CNN, decoder: RNN(standard unit)

On the other hand, both Sutskever et al. (2014) and Luong et al. (2015) stacked multiple layers of anRNN with a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)hidden unit for both the encoder and the decoder.

[success] encoder & decoder:多层LSTM

Cho et al. (2014),Bahdanau et al. (2015),andJean et al. (2015) all adopted a different version ofthe RNN with an LSTM-inspired hidden unit, thegated recurrent unit (GRU), for both components.4

[success] encoder & decoder:多层GRU

In more detail, one can parameterize the probability of decoding each word yj as:
p(yjy<j,s)=softmax(g(hj))(2) \begin{aligned} p(y_j|y_{<j},s) = softmax (g(h_j)) && (2) \end{aligned}

with g being the transformation function that outputs a vocabulary-sized vector.5 Here,hj is the RNN hidden unit, abstractly computed as:
hj=f(hj1,s)(3) \begin{aligned} h_j=f(h_{j-1},s) && (3) \end{aligned}

[warning] [?]图(1)中是怎么体现s这个条件的?

where f computes the current hidden state given the previous hidden state and can be either a vanilla RNN unit, a GRU, or an LSTMunit. In (Kalchbrenner and Blunsom, 2013;Sutskever et al., 2014;Cho et al., 2014;Luong et al., 2015),the source representations is only used once to initialize the decoder hidden state. On the other hand, in(Bahdanau et al., 2015;Jean et al., 2015)and this work,s, in fact, implies a set of source hidden states which are consulted throughout the entire course of the translation process. Such an approach is referred to as an attention mechanism,which we will discuss next.

无注意力机制:s只用于初始化hidden state

In this work, following (Sutskever et al., 2014;Luong et al., 2015), we use the stacking LSTM architecture for our NMT systems, as illustrated in Figure 1.

[warning] [?]怎么体现出stacking的作用?

We use the LSTM unit defined in(Zaremba et al., 2015). Our training objective isformulated as follows:
Jt=(x,y)Dlogp(yx)(4) \begin{aligned} J_t=\sum_{(x,y)\in D} -\log p(y|x) && (4) \end{aligned}

with D being our parallel training corpus.

[success] 对所有样本,让经验输出的对数似然对大

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