1. Paper title

Grounded Conversation Generation as Guided Traverses in Commonsense Knowledge Graphs

2. link


3. 摘要

Human conversations naturally evolve around related concepts and scatter to multi-hop concepts. This paper presents a new conversation generation model, ConceptFlow, which leverages commonsense knowledge graphs to explicitly model conversation flows. By grounding conversations to the concept space, ConceptFlow represents the potential conversation flow as traverses in the concept space along commonsense relations. The traverse is guided by graph attentions in the concept graph, moving towards more meaningful directions in the concept space, in order to generate more semantic and informative responses. Experiments on Reddit conversations demonstrate ConceptFlow’s effectiveness over previous knowledge-aware conversation models and GPT-2 based models while using 70% fewer parameters, confirming the advantage of explicit modeling conversation structures. All source codes of this work are available at https://github.com/ thunlp/ConceptFlow.

grounding to: 把…建立在…的基础上

4. 要解决什么问题


5. 作者的主要贡献

[?] 没看懂

6. 得到了什么结果

在Reddit conversations上优于knowledge-aware conversation models and GPT-2 based models
[?] knowledge-aware conversation models
[?] GPT-2 based models

7. 关键字

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