1. Paper title

Leveraging Monolingual Data with Self-Supervision for Multilingual Neural Machine Translation

2. link


3. 摘要

Over the last few years two promising research directions in low-resource neural machine translation (NMT) have emerged. The first focuses on utilizing high-resource languages to improve the quality of low-resource languages via multilingual NMT. The second direction employs monolingual data with selfsupervision to pre-train translation models, followed by fine-tuning on small amounts of supervised data. In this work, we join these two lines of research and demonstrate the efficacy of monolingual data with self-supervision in multilingual NMT. We offer three major results: (i) Using monolingual data significantly boosts the translation quality of lowresource languages in multilingual models. (ii) Self-supervision improves zero-shot translation quality in multilingual models. (iii) Leveraging monolingual data with self-supervision provides a viable path towards adding new languages to multilingual models, getting up to 33 BLEU on WMT ro-en translation without any parallel data or back-translation.

4. 要解决什么问题



5. 作者的主要贡献

将以上两种方法相结合,多语NMT + 单语self-supervised

  1. 不需要多语言数据
  2. 对所有语言有提升,尤其是low-resource
  3. zero-shot翻译有提升
  4. 没见过的新语言,只需要少量单语数据,也有比较好的效果

6. 得到了什么结果


WMT ro-en 33 BLEU

7. 关键字


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