1. Paper title

Opportunistic Decoding with Timely Correction for Simultaneous Translation
link https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.acl-main.42.pdf

2. 摘要

Simultaneous translation has many important application scenarios and attracts much attention from both academia and industry recently. Most existing frameworks, however, have difficulties in balancing between the translation quality and latency, i.e., the decoding policy is usually either too aggressive or too conservative. We propose an opportunistic decoding technique with timely correction ability, which always (over-)generates a certain mount of extra words at each step to keep the audience on track with the latest information. At the same time, it also corrects, in a timely fashion, the mistakes in the former overgenerated words when observing more source context to ensure high translation quality. Experiments show our technique achieves substantial reduction in latency and up to +3.1 increase in BLEU, with revision rate under 8% in Chinese-to-English and English-to-Chinese translation.

Conservative:保守 in a timely fashion:及时地
substantial reduction:大幅减少

3. 要解决什么问题


  1. 难以选择合适的policy,解码工作常常太激进(关注latency)或太保守(关注quality)。
  2. 不能改进前面步骤的错误。

4. 作者的主要贡献

(1)预生成一定的推测单词,opportunistic decoding技术
(2)及时纠正之前预生成的单词中的错误,timely correction机制。


  1. decode more words than policy
  2. review the extra outputs
  3. revise these output


  1. speech to text
  2. speech to speech,extra words放在look-ahead window中。

提升一种评价revision-enables NMT的指标:

  1. RAL,评价延时
  2. 修正率

5. 得到了什么结果

Chinese-to-English and English-to-Chinese BLEU +3.1 revision rate 8%

6. 关键字

Simultaneous translation(同时翻译)

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