Now that we are feeling comfortable with just about everything built into Atom, let's look at how to tweak it. Perhaps there is a keybinding that you use a lot but feels wrong or a color that isn't quite right for you. Atom is amazingly flexible, so let's go over some of the simpler flexes it can do.

Configuring with CSON

All of Atom's config files (with the exception of your style sheet and your Init Script) are written in CSON, short for CoffeeScript Object Notation. Just like its namesake JSON, JavaScript Object Notation, CSON is a text format for storing structured data in the form of simple objects made up of key-value pairs.

  key: value
  key: value
  key: [value, value]

Objects are the backbone of any CSON file, and are delineated by indentation (as in the above example). A key's value can either be a String, a Number, an Object, a Boolean, null, or an Array of any of these data types.

  • Just like the more common JSON, CSON's keys can only be repeated once per object. If there are duplicate keys, then the last usage of that key overwrites all others, as if they weren't there. The same holds true for Atom's config files.

Don't do this:

# Only the second snippet will be loaded
    'prefix': 'log'
    'body': 'console.log({% math_inline %}{1:"crash"});{% endmath_inline %}2'
    'prefix': 'error'
    'body': 'console.error({% math_inline %}{1:"crash"});{% endmath_inline %}2'

Use this instead:

# Both snippets will be loaded
    'prefix': 'log'
    'body': 'console.log({% math_inline %}{1:"crash"});{% endmath_inline %}2'
    'prefix': 'error'
    'body': 'console.error({% math_inline %}{1:"crash"});{% endmath_inline %}2'

Style Tweaks

If you want to apply quick-and-dirty personal styling changes without creating an entire theme that you intend to publish, you can add styles to the styles.less file in your `%USERPROFILE%\.atom directory. You can open this file in an editor from the File > Stylesheet menu.

For example, to change the colors of the Status Bar, you could add the following rule to your styles.less file:

.status-bar {
  color: white;
  background-color: black;

The easiest way to see what classes are available to style is to inspect the DOM manually via the Developer Tools. We'll go over the Developer Tools in great detail in the next chapter, but for now let's take a simple look. You can open the Developer Tools by pressing Alt+Ctrl+I, which will bring up the Chromium Developer Tools panel. Developer Tools

With the Developer Tools, you can inspect all the elements in Atom. If you want to update the style of something, you can figure out what classes it has and add a Less rule to your stylesheet to modify it.

If you are unfamiliar with Less, it is a basic CSS preprocessor that makes some things in CSS a bit easier. You can learn more about it at

If you prefer to use CSS instead, you can do that in the same styles.less file, since CSS is also valid in Less.

Customizing Keybindings

Atom keymaps work similarly to stylesheets. Just as stylesheets use selectors to apply styles to elements, Atom keymaps use selectors to associate key combinations with events in specific contexts. Here's a small example, excerpted from Atom's built-in keymap:

  'enter': 'editor:newline'

'atom-text-editor[mini] input':
  'enter': 'core:confirm'

This keymap defines the meaning of Enter in two different contexts. In a normal editor, pressing Enter triggers the editor:newline command, which causes the editor to insert a newline. But if the same keystroke occurs inside a select list's mini-editor, it instead triggers the core:confirm command based on the binding in the more-specific selector.

By default, keymap.cson is loaded when Atom is started. It will always be loaded last, giving you the chance to override bindings that are defined by Atom's core keymaps or third-party packages. You can open this file in an editor from the File > Keymap menu.

You can see all the keybindings that are currently configured in your installation of Atom in the Keybindings tab in the Settings View.

If you run into problems with keybindings, the Keybinding Resolver is a huge help. It can be opened with the Ctrl+. key combination. It will show you what keys Atom saw you press and what command Atom executed because of that combination.

Global Configuration Settings

Atom loads configuration settings from the config.cson file in your %USERPROFILE%.atom directory.

    'excludeVcsIgnoredPaths': true
    'fontSize': 18

The configuration is grouped into global settings under the * key and language-specific settings under scope named keys like .python.source or .html.text. Underneath that, you'll find configuration settings grouped by package name or one of the two core namespaces: core or editor.

You can open this file in an editor from the File > Config menu.

Configuration Key Reference
  • core
    • customFileTypes: Associations of language scope to file extensions (see Customizing Language Recognition)
    • disabledPackages: An array of package names to disable
    • excludeVcsIgnoredPaths: Don't search within files specified by .gitignore
    • ignoredNames: File names to ignore across all of Atom
    • projectHome: The directory where projects are assumed to be located
    • themes: An array of theme names to load, in cascading order
  • editor
    • autoIndent: Enable/disable basic auto-indent (defaults to true)
    • nonWordCharacters: A string of non-word characters to define word boundaries
    • fontSize: The editor font size
    • fontFamily: The editor font family
    • invisibles: A hash of characters Atom will use to render whitespace characters. Keys are whitespace character types, values are rendered characters (use value false to turn off individual whitespace character types)
      • tab: Hard tab characters
      • cr: Carriage return (for Microsoft-style line endings)
      • eol: \n characters
      • space: Leading and trailing space characters
    • preferredLineLength: Identifies the length of a line (defaults to 80)
    • showInvisibles: Whether to render placeholders for invisible characters (defaults to false)
    • showIndentGuide: Show/hide indent indicators within the editor
    • showLineNumbers: Show/hide line numbers within the gutter
    • softWrap: Enable/disable soft wrapping of text within the editor
    • softWrapAtPreferredLineLength: Enable/disable soft line wrapping at preferredLineLength
    • tabLength: Number of spaces within a tab (defaults to 2)
  • fuzzyFinder
    • ignoredNames: Files to ignore only in the fuzzy-finder
  • whitespace
    • ensureSingleTrailingNewline: Whether to reduce multiple newlines to one at the end of files
    • removeTrailingWhitespace: Enable/disable stripping of whitespace at the end of lines (defaults to true)
  • wrap-guide
    • columns: Array of hashes with a pattern and column key to match the path of the current editor to a column position.

Language Specific Configuration Settings

You can also set several configuration settings differently for different file types. For example, you may want Atom to soft wrap markdown files, have two-space tabs for ruby files, and four-space tabs for python files.

There are several settings now scoped to an editor's language. Here is the current list:

Language-specific Settings in the Settings View

You can edit these config settings in the Settings View on a per-language basis. Click on "Packages" tab in the navigation bar on the left, search for the language of your choice, select it, and edit away!

Python-specific settings

Language-specific Settings in your Config File

You can also edit the config.cson directly. To open your configuration file via the Command Palette, press Ctrl+Shift+P type open config, and press Enter.

Global settings are under the * key, and each language can have its own top-level key. This key is the language's scope. Language-specific settings take precedence over anything set in the global section for that language only.

'*': # all languages unless overridden
    'softWrap': false
    'tabLength': 8

'.source.gfm': # markdown overrides
    'softWrap': true

'.source.ruby': # ruby overrides
    'tabLength': 2

'.source.python': # python overrides
    'tabLength': 4
Finding a Language's Scope Name

In order to write these overrides effectively, you'll need to know the scope name for the language. We've already done this for finding a scope for writing a snippet in Snippet Format, but we can quickly cover it again.

The scope name is shown in the settings view for each language. Click on "Packages" in the navigation on the left, search for the language of your choice, select it, and you should see the scope name under the language name heading:

Finding a language grammar

Another way to find the scope for a specific language is to open a file of its kind and press Alt+Ctrl+Shift+P to show all scopes for the current position of the cursor. The scope mentioned top most is always the language for this kind of file, the scopes following are specific to the cursor position:

Finding a language grammar with cursor scope

These scopes can be especially useful to style the editor, since they can also be used as class names in your stylesheet.

Customizing Language Recognition

If you want Atom to always recognize certain file types as a specific grammar, you'll need to manually edit your config.cson file. You can open it using the Application: Open Your Config command from the Command Palette. For example, if you wanted to add the foo extension to the CoffeeScript language, you could add this to your configuration file under the *.core section:

      '': [

In the example above, is the language's scope name (see Finding a Language's Scope Name for more information) and foo is the file extension to match without the period. Adding a period to the beginning of either of these will not work.

Controlling Where Customization is Stored to Simplify Your Workflow

The CSON configuration files for Atom are stored on disk on your machine. The location for this storage is customizable. The default is to use the home directory of the user executing the application. The Atom Home directory will, by default, be called .atom and will be located in the root of the home directory of the user.

Custom home location with an environment variable

An environment variable can be used, though to make Atom use a different location. This can be useful for several reasons. One of these may be that multiple user accounts on a machine want to use the same Atom Home. The environment variable used to specify and alternate location is called ATOM_HOME. If this environment variable exists, the location specified will be used to load and store Atom settings.

Taking your customization with you with Portable Mode

In addition to using the ATOM_HOME environment variable, Atom can also be set to use "Portable Mode".

Portable Mode is most useful for taking Atom with you, with all your custom setting and packages, from machine to machine. This may take the form of keeping Atom on a USB drive or a cloud storage platform that syncs folders to different machines, like Dropbox. Atom is in Portable Mode when there is a directory named .atom sibling to the directory in which the atom executable file lives. For example, the installed Atom directory can be placed into a Dropbox folder next to a .atom folder.

Portable mode directory structure

With such a setup, Atom will use the same Home directory with the same settings for any machine with this directory syncronized/plugged in.

Moving to Portable Mode

Atom provides a command-line parameter option for setting Portable Mode.

atom --portable

Executing atom with the --portable option will take the .atom directory you have in the default location (~/.atom) and copy the relevant contents for your configuration to a new home directory in the Portable Mode location. This enables easily moving from the default location to a portable operation without losing the customization you have already set up.

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