一、说明 只会打印一句话的操作系统,一无所用,我们要给它加一些功能。 打印功能是最必须的,因为当代码没有按照我们的计划运行时,加打印最直观的debug方法 现在的打印还比较麻烦,我们希望先把要打印的字符串存下来,并给每个字符串加个编号,只要给出编号,就可以打印出那句话。



.code16                         #??16?????
.text                           #?????
        mov     %cs, %ax        #?????????????????????
        mov     %ax, %ds
        mov     %ax, %es

        mov     {% math_inline %}0, %dh
        call    DispStr         #?????????,call function to display string
        mov     {% endmath_inline %}1, %dh
        call    DispStr
        mov     {% math_inline %}2, %dh
        call    DispStr

        jmp    .               #while(1),????

DispStr:                        #???????
        mov     {% endmath_inline %}MessageLength, %ax
        mul     %dh
        add     {% math_inline %}BootMessage, %ax
        mov     %ax, %bp        #ES:BP = address of string
        mov     %ds, %ax
        mov     %ax, %es
        mov     {% endmath_inline %}MessageLength, %cx        #CX = length of string
        mov     {% math_inline %}0x1301, %ax    #AH = 13, AL = 01h
        mov     {% endmath_inline %}0x00c, %bx     #page number = BH=0, word color = BL = 0Ch
        mov     {% math_inline %}0, %dl
        int     {% endmath_inline %}0x10            #????10h is interrupt number
        ret                     #??

.set    MessageLength, 9
BootMessage:    .ascii  "booting**"
Message1:       .ascii  "loaded in"
Message2:       .ascii  "no loader"
.org 510                        #fill 0 in first 510 BYTE
.word 0xaa55                    #end with 0xaa55


        mov     {% math_inline %}0, %dh
        call    DispStr


        mov     {% endmath_inline %}MessageLength, %ax
        mul     %dh
        add     $BootMessage, %ax

计算字符串的起始地址,为了计算方便,使等每个字符串长度相等, 第i个字符串的起始地址 = 第0个字符串的起始地址 + i * 每个字符串的长度

Message1:       .ascii  "loaded in"
Message2:       .ascii  "no loader"


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